Monday, June 22, 2009

Bloggers: Defenders of the Great Outdoors

© 2009 Albert A Rasch
"The Blogger is mightier than the M4."
Young, liberal, college co-ed at a symposium.

"That depends on who's behind the M4..."
Albert says out loud to no one in particular.
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When Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote the phrase "The pen is mightier than the sword," little could he have known, or even imagined, the technological leaps that would sweep across the world the following century and a half.

Photo Credit: sopheava
Today we have, at the tips of our fingers, the ability to take command of the airways for what ever purpose or desire we have. Instantaneously our words and images can be broadcast to the furthest corners of the known world. Repressive regimes can no longer hide behind Iron or Bamboo Curtains, Revolutionary Guards or medieval dogma. Neither can scofflaws and criminals hide in the dark without fear that someone, somewhere, may record their misdeeds, and a Blogger make it known to everyone.

Photo Credit: er3465
Bloggers in particular have the enviable position of being able to concentrate on a particular subject that they are passionate about. They build up loyal fans and readers that are likewise interested in their pursuits. Some bloggers write so well, that they develop a following from a divergent field and really spread the word on their interests and avocations.

We, the Outdoor Bloggers, are in the privileged position that we can bring attention to any issue that we feel needs exposure to an audience far greater than any of the traditional media outlets. Even when the audience is small, it is usually passionate in its interest of the outdoors.

Photo Credit: WaynePhotoGuy
When you blog, and when you spend time outdoors, you are defending and preserving the outdoors as you see it, as you experience it. Whether hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, or leaf collecting, when you write about it, you remind everyone's collective memory that these things exist, that they are worth protecting, that they are worth experiencing. Bloggers are the new Paul Reveres of this century and Bloggers are the new journalists that keep you informed and help you make decisions.

Likewise when a travesty is exposed, the Blogger can summon his compatriots in righteous indignation and make it known as far and wide as the Blogger can. Only through the medium of blogging can Hubert and The Suburban Bushwacker across the pond get daily updates on conditions here in the United States. Or let us know about their shenanigans!

PhotoCredit: Denny at endMTR
Because Al Gore had the foresight to invent the internet, I know moment by moment what Denny at Stop Mountain Top Removal is living through. Denny is an excellent example of what a powerful blogging voice can do for a cause. Even though he has been vilified by the proponents of coal and mountain top removal, he continues to blog regularly as his energy and enthusiasm allows. Denny has been at the head of the battle for a very long time. Much to my chagrin I have not supported him as I had originally planned to do. I ask everyone reading this to take a few moments and check out the I Love Mountains Challenge. Together we can do something. (Look for a post in the near future. I've been absent from this fight long enough.)

Ok where was I, oh yes, Blogging.

You see what I mean? There are going to be some of you that have forgotten about Mountain Top Removal and now you've been reminded. Many of you will click on the I Love Mountains Challenge link and many of you will join the challenge and add the widgets to your blogs. Our voices will be added to thousands more and we will affect the change that we know is right.

Bloggers are the Defenders of the Outdoors. Every post written, every comment made, puts us one step closer to preserving everything that we love. Remember that when we tighten our boots and step into the woods, or tie a Palomar knot on a dry fly. Remember that the next time you step into an icy stream and the pinpricks of cold shiver their way up your calf, or when you're pulling a six inch sliver of wood from your forearm. Remember it when that buck walks into sight and pauses for you, or the jacks slam every thing you throw at them.

Remember we want to know about it too.

Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...


Anonymous said...

You are one of the top on JASONIZERS BLOGSPOT : )

Kristine Shreve said...

Lovely post Albert. Thank you for participating in the challenge. I was hoping that you would. I hope we see you around the OBS blog more often as well. I miss your comments and observations.

Albert A Rasch said...

I've been remiss in my duties!

(Just a bit burnt out with everything that is going on.)


Wild Ed said...

Thanks for the post, I just wish we could get a bunch of us to take on the same topics at the same time. Something like high cost non-resident license fees for hunting on public lands. Or what about Federal and State Lands that do not allow hunting at all. Imagine if hundreds of Outdoor Bloggers all wrote on the same issue. Keep up the good work

me said...

Great post and a great addition to The Challenge.

Have a great day!!

Albert A Rasch said...


That's a great idea, and a great topic for a Hunter's Challenge.

Hmmmm, I can feel the synapses clicking away up there...


Bonneville Mariner said...

Nice post, Albert. Excellent final paragraphs.