
Monday, March 23, 2009

When a Falconer Loses a Partner

As usual, my nocturnal wanderings lead me down unexpected, enlightening, and thoughtful trails.

I recently found Ms. Stacey Huston's Blog, Falconry and Rehab, and I was waiting for an opportune moment to introduce her to everyone with a Blogs of Note post.

Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men, oft go awry.

In an unfortunate turn of events Ms Stacey lost her falcon, Sinte. March 2009

Let's stop by, say hello, and... well, you all know what to do.

Ms Stacey has some incredible photos, and has a couple of other blogs dedicated to her photography: A Focus in the Wild, and Prints Available.

Albert A Rasch
The Hunt Continues...


  1. Albert, you may be the OBS's biggest booster. Thank you so much for finding new blogs and bringing them to our attention.

  2. Your Magnificence,

    Now, if I only had a job...


  3. Albert. Just wanted to stop by and say "thank you" it is very kind and humbling for you to have done this for me. Wish the timing could have been better, but that is how things go when working with wildlife.. Sinte was a wonderful bird and she will be dearly missed. Now to answer your question I use a Canon Reble XT (nothing fancy- but hope to upgrade soon) and my lens of choice is a sigma 50-500mm very versatile in the field and also affordable. hope this helps and again thank you!

  4. Thank you ma'am, much obliged!



Glad you have taken the time to comment! I appreciate it, I really do!