
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Blog Rodeo 01/22/2011

© 2011 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Welcome to the latest installment of the now famous Chronicles'Saturday Blog Rodeo! As you all are amply aware, I plumb the depth and breadth of the blogosphere searcing for and commenting upon the diverse outdoor activities, (And some indoor ones too!), bring you, my faithful and ecumenical readers more blogs to expand not only your minds, but horizons. So with that said let's get into this week's Saturday Blog Rodeo!

Well, I got off to another early start because Ian at The Wild Life was kind enough to forward a great link to a blog that I bumped into a long time ago, and lost in the shuffle. Trapping Supplies Review is a place for trappers to share their insights on all things related to trapping. CJ also has quite few fellow trappers that like to contribute trapping articles, equipment reviews, stories and pictures from their traplines. Well TSR and CJ have had a run of good luck with the AR loons lately. I say good luck 'cause otherwise there would be noone to poke fun at if they didn't stop by occasionally! In Hate Mail CJ shares the latest email he has received from some half-wit. Hey CJ! Do me a favor and send him my way... I'll be sure he feels welcome! Stop by TSR and learn a few new trricks, or just get an eyeful of a different outdoor activity! And don't forget to tell CJ I sent ya!

The Blacksmith's Shop at The Farmers Museum

I've always enjoyed blacksmithing, though what I do might not neccesarily pass for blacksmithing by definition. More like banging on red hot metal for no apparent reason. Now Steve Kellog is a blacksmith.

I bumped into his blog while searching for methods and techniques for forging mainsprings in flintlock locks. Steve's blog Rural Blacksmith is a veritable treasure trove of blacksmithing information! Steve has been blacksmithing for 15 years, and at The Farmers' Museum he teaches classes, present blacksmithing demonstrations on a daily basis, make historically accurate tools and hardware, and researches life and work in the 19th century.

An interesting project that Steve has been part of is a brace of Scottish steel and iron pistols in the Pitcairn style.

The project is inspired by the surviving pistols of British Marine Major John Pitcarn. He is the officer that ended up commanding the troops launching the raids on Lexington and Concord. Those are regarded as the first battles of our war for independence, and the first shot fired in anger is referred to as the “Shot heard around the world”. That shot was attributed by some as having been fired by Maj. Pitcarn from one of these pistols.

Check out his blog; it is a very good one!

Mr. Barn
Itinerant Woodworker/
Master Spooner

I'm a big fan of woodwroking. Like blacksmithing though, I'm really not that good at it. I have a substantial collection of woodworking tools, which I continue to collect and amass. The next blogger though, is a very accomplished woodworker, and does most, if not all of his work, with nothing more than a crook knife. Barn, as he is known throughout the British Isles, is an itinerant spoonmaker. He is one of the few licensed peddlers in the UK specializing in spoon carving. He created his blog Spooning to help him communicate with the world at large about his adventures. One thing to keep in mind, is that you will have to catch up to the traveling Mr Barn to purchase his wares. He carves spoons for the love of the craft and adventure! So in that sense it isn't a commercial endevour.

Outdoor Gear Testing is Rory's blog on equipment that he personally uses and comments about. He's an avid fisherman, hunter, and outdoor enthusiast, and as you can see from the delightful picture on the right there, his family goes with him where ever he does! Rory spent a night in sub-zero temperatures with his dog Remi to complete a review on the Northface Snowshoe Sleeping Bag. "I am over all happy with my sleeping bags. The big zippers make it easy to use and don't get caught up on the fabric as much as bags with small zippers. The ability to close your self in the bag with only a small opening where your nose would stick out really helps keep the heat it. The female version of the bags also have a fleece pocket to put your hands and where your feet go is all fleece." Good blog, and Rory covers details that others might miss.  Check out Outdoor Gear Testing, I think you'll find his commentaries and reviews worth your time.

I found  A Spinner Weaver through a recommendation by Josh.(Thanks Josh!) Annie McHale weaves narrow sashes and straps on an inkle loom. Before I make a mess of trying to explain an inkle loom, weaving, narrow wares and all that stuff, why don't y'all just head on over in her direction and see what it is that she creates. Annie is a great craftsman and her sashes are really nice. If you do any blackpowder, 17th/18th century reenactment stuff, her straps for bags and sashes to hold up your britches or hose are period correct. Check out her Etsy online shop for more of her hand crafted, one of a kind objects 'de art!

Well, Saturday pretty much snuck up on me and was here before I could add a few more blogs to the rodeo! Good thing about it is that I'll get an early start on next week's production! Here are a couple of blogs that I'll be highlighting:

The Sharpened Axe: He is having a big contest, so stop by now and sign up!
The Maine Outdoorsman: Maine guide and bushwacker
The Saw Blog: Woodworking and saws
Gorges' Grouse: A voice in the wilderness

That's a start! See you next week!

Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member: Shindand Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles, Albert A Rasch, Hunting in Florida

Albert Rasch,HunterThough he spends most of his time writing and keeping the world safe for democracy, Albert was actually a student of biology. Really. But after a stint as a lab tech performing repetitious and mind-numbing processes that a trained capuchin monkey could do better, he never returned to the field. Rather he became a bartender. As he once said, "Hell, I was feeding mice all sorts of concoctions. At the club I did the same thing; except I got paid a lot better, and the rats where bigger." He has followed the science of QDM for many years, and fancies himself an aficionado. If you have any questions, or just want to get more information, reach him via TheRaschOutdoorChronicles(at)MSN(dot)com.


  1. Wow thanks for the blog shout out. I am honored.

  2. Hey Albert, thanks so much for highlighting my blog! I sure do appreciate the kind words. Keep up the great work!

  3. Albert, I'm glad you put Annie's stuff up. I love my sash - like I said, it's about the only sling that has the soul to strap to my Winchester Ranger 30-30.

  4. Albert,

    Thanks for mentioning the Scottish Pistol Project! If you are ever out this way give me a shout and we'll get in some time at the forge. I appreciate the mention, and am proud to be featured in such good company!

  5. Thanks for mentioning the Scottish Pistol Project! If any of you come to Cooperstown look me up. We could get in a little forge time! Thanks!


  6. Always a pleasure to bring new folks to the attention of my friends!

    Best regards,
    Albert “Afghanus” Rasch
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles™
    How to Smoke Fish


Glad you have taken the time to comment! I appreciate it, I really do!