The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Saturday Blog Rodeo 07/17/10
Well folks,After a long hiatus, punctuated by the occasional rocket attack, I am once again in the position to hold another Saturday Blog Rodeo! I have traveled the far reaches of Al Gore's internet, searching far and wide for things that will educate, elucidate, and prognosticate for us! There was lots of great stuff to read out there this week, with several home runs, that I would like to share with everyone.
(Remember if you bump into a post you especially like, drop me a note and I'll include it in the Rodeo. You can even feel free to copy this whole post and run it on your own blog; it spreads the word, and it's always nice to give a little link love to your fellow bloggers!)
Let's start with Othmar Vohringer's Whitetail Deer Passion. Not only is Othmar an accomplished turkey hunter, but he loves to hunt the wiley whitetail too! Mr OV has an interesting question, "What brand of ammo is your favorite?" I posted my answer, and I hope lots of you do so to. I would be interested in seeing the answers and opinions myself.
One of my favorites, is Home on the Range. Truth is Miss Brigid writes better than most magazine writers, and she can weave a tale of hard edged machinery and soft hearted sentimentality that is both informative and enamoring. I won't pinpoint any one post, as they're all good! Stop by and say hello. You'll be glad you did.
A day doesn't pass that I don't think about my buddy SBW. I often wonder what trouble we would find ourselves in if he somehow managed to get himself transported here to Afghanistan. Suffice it to say that Anglo American relationships would definitely be changed (For the better I might add!). You put the two of us together, and there's bound to be some fireworks. Anyway SBW got himself whacked but good in his post "Blogger Loses Gunfight," and he found an interesting diagnostic tool that all writers should use: "Writing Cozya Want To." I big thanks to SBW for the heads up! Margaret Attwood... Really?
While going through the pages of Whitetail Woods, I've noticed that Rick has really worked hard to get us a lot of good information on hunting products and accessories that we spend our hard earned dollars on. I love to see product reviews from my fellow bloggers, because I know that we don't post stuff we don't use. I still have a stack of stuff I have to review, some of it that won't make the grade, some of it that I will heartily recommend. For black powder and related items, I would suggest hitting Rick's Whitetail Woods first, and getting the skinny on what he has personally tested and used.
Borepatch... How I have missed Borepatch. Not only did I feel safer in this highly technical world knowing that BP had my computational back, but I sure did learn a lot from him. Case in point: His historical post, "What a Beautiful Land You Will be for the Enemy" teaches me yet another bit of history. But BP doesn't stop there, he ties it in with current events, allowing me a new perspective on the world we live in. You need to go check it out!
Image Credit: Parker James
I just found this blog via the OBS: Of Grouse, Setters, and Trout. Parker James is a bird hunting afficionado, and a trout fisherman. Parker has some great pictures like the one on the left, and his blog is very well put together and written.
I am going to point you to these two bloggers that good ol' SBW has been hot on for some time now.
First is The Locavore Hunter™. It is well written and thoughtful, I recommend it highly. Next is Tovar Cerulli's blog People. Animals. Nature. Written from the vantage point of a Vegan turned hunter, it's another well written blog!
And here are a few from the Archives! I sure do like to look at folks older posts, sometimes you find some real gems that have just slipped your mind!
Chad Love has a great post, hell he's got lots of great posts, but I'll limit myself to this new one. Photographic Chronicle of Youth Versus Age a small reminder of who we were, and who we are. Time, what a bummer.
The Survivalist Blog has an impressive set of links to virtually anything related to prepping, survival, and self sufficiency. The Ultimate Collection is pretty darned near Ultimate!
Patrick Grotto on BowHunting. A fascinating read on bow hunting and taking deer. I'm not sure where to begin as it is all very, very good. The subject matter is varied, and I feel like I am being educated by a sage, who is trying to impart wisdom through the direct, and via metaphor. It's a must see.
Wild Ed's Texas Outdoors: Texas Eurasian or Collared Dove nice biology lesson by Wild Ed. As it turns out, you do not have to count them in your bag limit as they are an exotic. Ed recommends that you have a great time shooting and eating this bonus species.
Myself, on the off hand you missed it, I posted Reasons to take a Whitetail Doe, where I discuss some very good reasons to fill that doe tag. And you might want to take a look at this old post High Fence Hunting: What are the Facts? That one was a pretty good one, with lots of comments!
Remember to let me know if there is something you want me to highlight for you! And don't forget, leave a little note on folk's blogs and let them know you stop by and appreciate their work.
Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member Kandahar Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

Much obliged for the mention, Albert.
Wishing you a safe return stateside!
Albert, as always thanks for the shout out. While you were putting this up, I was doing one that points to you.
Stay safe, and thanks for what you're doing.
Thanks fellows!
Much obliged fort he kind words.
Well, I'll be a suck egg mule! Thank you Albert--I sure appreciate the attention being a half-way sane man in a world gone mad, most of the attention I get is a site untidy.
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