Saturday, September 5, 2009

Blog Rodeo: September 5

© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Blog Rodeo for September 5th

Folks, here are my picks for this week's best posts. Now I may have missed a few here and there, and if that's the case don't forget to feel free to remind me to add it to the Rodeo!

By the way, if you have a post that you're particularly proud of, or it's an oldie but a goodie, then let me know and I'll link to it and put it on TROC.

First up is Deer Impacts: "In many places, deer and other large ungulates are reaching densities that damage ecosystems and create conflicts with people. This blog represents my attempt to monitor deer conflicts and impacts around the world. Tom Rooney: I am a biology professor at Wright State University, and have been studying the effects of deer on forests since 1995." Really interesting stuff and good information on what's going on with respect to the burgeoning deer population.

Operation Idaho 2009 "This blog has been created as an electronic journal of Brandon and Brad's quest to bowhunt Idaho's backcountry in September 2009. The challenge is that neither have done this before. This blog will serve as record of 6 months of planning and preparation: exercise, diet, archery practice, equipment research, purchase and review, as well as any other aspects backcountry bowhunting." Another really interesting blog. I think it's a great concept, and one that I would like to see more of.

Fred's Hunting Blog, "A Bow Hunter's Adventures in Montana I live in Montana and started bow hunting four seasons ago. The bow hunting bug has hit me hard and I spend way too much time hunting and thinking about hunting. I am not an expert and these are merely my experiences and opinions, take them for what you will." Just a regular guy doing what us guys do best. One of my new favorites.

Patrick Grotto on BowHunting. A fascinating read on bow hunting and taking deer. I'm not sure where to begin as it is all very, very good. The subject matter is varied, and I feel like I am being educated by a sage, who is trying to impart wisdom through the direct, and via metaphor. It's a must see.

Over at Rob's Hunting Journal, Rob has modified a deer cam with some awesome results. Here is the mods: Homebrew Trail Cam and here are the results: Moment of Truth. Rob does a great job of explaining what and how he does it, clearly and in a fashion that is easily followed. The results speak for themselves.

Slob Hunters covers an important topic that we all have to consider. Fair Chase gives some thought and consideration to the subject in a well written post.

NorCal Cazadora wrote several articles for her local regional newspaper and is asking us to support the newspaper by commenting on the paper's website. It is imperative that we support one and other, in addition to allies in the media.

PeTA Watch is a group that keeps an eye on the loons at PeTA. I get quite a bit of intell from these folks, and for those of you that keep tab on the animal rights extremists, this is a great resource.

Alright then, these are this week's highlights, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

And don't forget, touch base with me if you would like me to link a story, drum up some interest in one of your posts, or just to shoot the bull. My e-mail is on my profile page.

Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

Friday, September 4, 2009

On Michael Vick and Florida Panthers

© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

I had an interesting reply on my post on the Florida Panther that was killed recently in Georgia by David Adams of Newnan GA while deer hunting. The subject has been contentious, but responses are approximately eight to one against what Adams did. By the way, that's from Sportsmen not Animal Rights Activists. I receive an e-mail on the subject about once a week. This reply comes from an animal welfare and rehabilitation person.

Miss Anonymous wrote,

"I'm not a hunter but I don't intend to use this comment field to rail against hunters. On the contrary. I agree with you, Albert, on all fronts. It's in expressing opinions like yours . . . on this, on the Michael Vick issue, and on other topics you've addressed here . . . that some semblance of alignment between hunters and us non-hunters can exist. I thank you for sticking your neck out for the animals on multiple occasions -- in the face of dubious actions by people. I think it's a courageous stand, given your interest as a hunter.

From my perspective, your type of diligence and compassion -- with attention to legality and ethics -- tends to help people like me reclaim respect for hunters as a whole. I'm someone who has seen a lot of bad crap out here in the wild west. And I fully realize not everyone with a gun shooting animals can rightfully call themselves hunters. You obviously take your responsibility and power as a sportsman very seriously, and I'm in appreciation and admiration of that.

Let me add, I am a wildlife rescuer -- yep, I save them to be patched up after they've been injured, shot, hit by cars, you name it. And I've encountered any number of potentially dangerous animals throughout my life, including mountain lions, rattlesnakes, etc. I don't carry a gun or weapon. And I'm a smallish woman. So you'd think if anyone could cop to the "I was afraid" tactic, it would be someone like me. Even in my most precarious moments, I have never had to harm any animal in self defense (thank goodness). And like you, I would certainly wait until no other option was possible before I acted against the animal. Because of that, I find a guy pleading this particular line, from a blind, at some distance, to be a pretty lame rationalization.

Like you, I don't know the whole story. But it strikes me as misguided at best, and malicious at worst. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Anyway, thanks for taking a stand when I know it isn't easy to make certain commentary about other sportsmen -- or people calling themselves sportsmen, as the case may be here.

btw: I shared your sentiments about Vick until I learned a few days ago that he was doing positive PR for some anti-dog-fighting campaigns. Now my feelings are mixed. I definitely see what you are saying and concur wholeheartedly. I also see the potential power of turning some kids around by way of his celebrity. I guess we'll see . . ."

That was a very gracious commentary and one that I really appreciate. We the field sports enthusiasts are more of an ally to any conservationist, and even animal welfare proponents, than most environmentalists.

But as I mentioned in my response, I really want to remind people that Vick has millions of dollars at stake here. People have been killed for three-or-four-zeros-knocked-off-the-back-end less, than what he will earn in a game! So let's not be so quick to let him get off the proverbial hook just because his agent got him a gig with the HSUS. Vick can say anything he wants; he can say he's a pilot, but I'm not getting on that plane.

Let's face it people, the NFL isn't about to let any talent escape without a fight. Mass marketing and media assets are being used by the NFL in the same fashion as the HSUS is.

"Sell the sizzle," Lomasky said. And that is what they're doing. "It doesn't matter what he did, what is in it for us." Both the NFL and HSUS are after the big bucks. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Interestingly, I heard this morning that the football commissioner has ruled to allow Vick to play starting game three as opposed to his previous rule where Vick would have had to wait six games... What does that tell you.

Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

Weekly Rut Report with Larry Weishuhn, "Mr. Whitetail"

Weekly Rut Report by Larry Weishuhn, "Mr. Whitetail"

I have been invited to participate in reporting on Whitetail deer rutting activity throughout the United States. This will be a weekly feature here on The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles.
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I first bumped into Mr Whitetail on Winchester World of Whitetail with Larry Weishuhn, and as I mentioned Versus has asked me to share Mr Whitetail's information with all my friends and readers.

9/1 through 9/7

Recovering from my “sheepless” and “grizzless” trip to Alaska, I headed immediately upon my return home, to Kansas to host a hunt auctioned at the 2009 Dallas Safari Club on property owned by Kansas Whitetails. With the hunt completed, I spent late afternoon of the 31st sitting on the same soybean fields where during the 2007 and 2008 Kansas early muzzleloader season I shot a gross 171 and a gross 145 10 point during those respective years. I was anxious, even though I’m not hunting Kansas this year to see what might be frequenting the field. By about 30 minutes before sundown there were 18 bucks in the beanfield a few miles northwest of Hutchison. Of the 18 bucks, 15 were still in full velvet, 2 looked as if they had shed the the velvet at least a couple of day ago, and the remaining buck had just started rubbing his velvet. Interesting too, walking to the ground blind where I had previously hunted I found where a buck has opened a scrape which has been active at least the last two years. It was obvious where he had pawed the ground in the “last year’s scrape”. This seems a bit early to me.

Bucks came into the field in small bachelor groups, but also as singles. Based on what I saw there in Kansas and what reports I have been getting most of the whitetail bucks are at least totally finished growing antlers for the year, and they are just starting to rub. This was borne out as well in my part of Texas west of San Antonio where the Hill Country meets the Brush Country of South Texas. Driving home (early morning of the 1st of September) in the dark between the hours of 1 and nearly 4 am I saw several deer on the side of the road, including young and mature buck. All of the bucks I saw were still in velvet, yet it appears the velvet is starting to dry meaning within this week many of the bucks will begin rubbing. In visiting with Gary Machen west of Pearsall this past weekend, Gary said the bucks on his place were still in bachelor groups, other than a few singles here and there; were still in velvet and that he thought that my mid-September they would be pretty well “rubbed out”. I asked him about fawn survival rates in South Texas and according to him because of the extremely harsh drought the area had been in, he suspected very few fawns had survived this year in that region. “With both last year and this years fawn survival being extremely low, we’re really going to see few mature bucks three and more years from now. Because of the excellent mesquite bean crop the deer look OK this year, but the lack of fawns for this and last year is really going to hurt us in the future.”

I had a email from Brian Cassium who manages the Cabela’s store in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. Brian hunts public ground, and does a fair amount of trail camera scouting. While he was not specific about the area he hunts (and I don’t blame him), he sent me photo of some really good bucks (in velvet) which he caught on camera the last weekend in August, bucks that almost look to big to come from PA public hunting ground. Brian said the bucks in his area of PA are “looking pretty good”, and that he expects them to start rubbing this week and next.

Out in western Montana I spoke with Melvin Moorehouse, the whitetails he’s been seeing in the Big Sky Country are still in velvet and bachelor groups. Melvin who “chases horses” across much of that great state when not scouting or hunting for whitetail deer told me he’s seen some truly outstanding bucks this year. I got the same report from Al Morehart out west of Regina, Saskatchewan. “No rutting activity yet in this part of Canada, but the bucks should shortly be rubbing. I wil say this, it should be a good antler year up this way.” Said Al when I spoke with him this past week.

Moving over to the Big Woods of Maine, I visited with Mike and Kim French. “Deer in central and northern Maine are always tough to see and find, be it scouting or hunting. But I’ve seen a few bucks that have some great antlers for our part of the country. One in particular was a big bodied and antlered buck. We should start finding some early scrapes in the next two or three weeks.”

Down in Florida, Ray Boone told me the rut is continuing in the lower part of Florida, but that bucks in the northern part of the state were still in velvet. Then over in lowlands of South Carolina where the hunting season opened on August 15, I spoke with Tom Moore. According to him he’s seen a number of bucks on property they have started managing for quality deer. “The antler development is up from last year on on private lease, where we restrict the number of bucks taken. Bucks are still in bachelor herds. While most are still in velvet, each day I’m seeing a few more rubbed out bucks. Expect to start seeing more rubs and start seeing scrapes in the next several days.”

In eastern Iowa just up the banks of the Mississippi I talked to Travis Simpson. “It’s going to be another outstanding antler year from what we’ve started seeing both on cameras and scouting beanfields late in the afternoon. I’ve seen some truly impressive bucks. We should start seeing both rubs and early scrapes in the next two weeks.”

I’ve emailed back and forth with several other hunters across the country, as well as spoken to several hunters in airports in my travels the last days of August and the consensus is pretty well the same. Throughout much of the continent it’s going to be a darn good year for whitetails. Many regions of the whitetail range have had a fair amount of rainfall and temperatures have been relatively cool. Unfortunately where I live in Southwest Texas it’s been just the opposite.

I’m headed to the range in a few minutes to start making certain my rifles, pistols and shotguns are still putting my Winchester ammunition exactly where I’m holding. Don’t know about you, but with the little cooler temperatures I’ve been experiencing in my travels, I’m really starting to get excited about the soon coming 2009 hunting season.

Thanks again,
Larry Weishuhn

On a similar note, NY Bowhunter Marc Alberto has plenty of picture evidence that the bucks, and big ones at that, are rubbing up a storm in his neck of the woods. Velvet's Gone, Big Buck Rubs Appearing.

Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Range Reviews: SeigeWorks Creations American Longbow Pt II

Awesome Longbow! Great Value!© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
$g&m f9bd 45kd q!?5.

SeigeWorks Creation "American" Longbow;
Shooting the American
As you may recall, in my initial post on the SiegeWorks Creations American Longbow, I promised I would be back soon with my impressions on shooting it.
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OK I'm back, and I am impressed.

Remember, it has been thirty years since I seriously drew a bow last. I shot a Ben Pearson recurve for five or six years, and then the Browning Cobra for a few more. After that it was occasional stump shooting when the mood struck me.

As I mentioned previously in our first installment, I had decided that it was time I got back into bowhunting, and I really wanted to go traditional. Fortunately I bumped into Dave at SiegeWork Creations who has been making very reasonably priced bows since 2001. Having looked over his selection of bows, I couldn't help but be impressed by his bows.

After some advise from Dave and deliberation on my part, I settled on the SWC "American" Longbow.

The first thing I noticed was how light the physical weight of the bow was. The draw was smooth and the increase in poundage progressive. I draw between 29 inches and 30 depending on the bow, and with the American I haven't settled in yet. Until the old muscles build up again, their will be some, uhmm, variation in my draw. Don't worry I'll get them dialed in.

Speaking of the draw, when at full draw, there is no stacking. As a matter of fact, the American can be drawn to 31 inches without any worry. It helps that it is a longbow, but even longbows can stack if the limb geometry is wrong. Dave has this one right. The limbs have the right combination of width, depth, and taper to produce a fast response and and excellent accuracy.

The bow is fast, real fast as far as I can tell. Without a chronograph, I have to rely on visual perception and empirical evidence. Visually the arrows look like they're moving much faster than they do out of the compound. The empirical evidence is about 2 inches of deeper penetration using the same arrow.

Hand shock, the vibration that transmits through the bow and into the hand, is almost non-existent. At least I can't tell or feel it while shooting. Of course anything vibrating is going to make some kind of noise. I did not distinguish any excessive or uncharacteristic noise coming from the bow. A bow that vibrates less is going to be quieter, and more efficient. If it isn't still in the hand when the arrow departs, then that energy isn't going to the arrow which is where it needs to be.

One thing I did distinguish, and real fast, is string slap. I got lazy and didn't hold my arm the right way; call it overconfidence. The bow quickly reminded me what a Flemish string traveling at super fast speed will do to the tender parts of the inside of my arm.

Nice one Albert!

Now all that's left is for me to become one with the bow. I like to shoot instinctively, and to be effective you have to shoot, and shoot a lot. My goal is to work my way up to 75 - 80#. When I get there I would like Dave to make me a bamboo laminate American. With good heavy arrows, I should be good for any big game in America.

And just in case y'all are wondering how I'm doing...

Outside to outside, a little over an inch.

After about a week's worth of practice I pulled this one out first thing yesterday morning. First three shots at fifteen yards.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I did know Robin of Loxley...

I quit for the day while I was still ahead.

She still doesn't have a name.

For more information on SiegeWork Creations:

SiegeWork Creations is open from 10am to 4pm M-F and closed weekends. On the off chance that they can not answer the phone, Dave and Sara do return ALL phone messages left. Call them at 903-285-4347.

The SWC American Longbow
Base Price: $189.00
Web Store: SiegeWork Archery

Post of Interest:
The SWC American is Here!
The Range Reviews: SiegeWorks Creations American Longbow Part I
The Range Reviews: SiegeWorks Creations American Longbow Part II

Chairman Rodney Barreto Addresses Python Program Expansion

Chairman Rodney Barreto Addresses

Python Program Expansion

"It’s a natural step because, historically, hunters have been instrumental in conserving wildlife across this great country."
Chairman Rodney Barreto
Florida Wildlife Commission

Exotic animal species are common throughout the southern half of Florida. Iguanas fall out of trees during cool spells in Miami, Cuban tree frogs are everywhere eating not only bugs but native frogs as they go, African monitor lizards, ornery and mean in the best of times and up to 7 feet long, are patrolling canals in Cape Coral. Even Vervet monkeys have a colony near a car rental lot in Fort Lauderdale. And of course Burmese pythons are eating alligators in the Everglades, to say nothing of coons, birds and fish.

Chairman Rodney Barreto commented recently on the efforts to stem the tide of the most troubling invasive animal in Florida, the Burmese python. It is important to note the positive comments about hunter's positive contributions to wildlife management and conservation.

Chairman Barreto writes:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) initiated a program on July 17 to help stop the spread of Burmese pythons in Florida. This program is only the first step in our efforts to stop the spread of these invaders.

We issued permits to 13 python experts to capture and euthanize any reptile of concern found in specific state-managed lands in South Florida. This initial program will run until Oct. 31, at which time we will consider expanding it. So far, the permit holders have captured 17 pythons and provided us with data on location, size and habits.

We are encouraged that the permit holders have captured that many pythons. Each python removed means one less python in the wild and one less python with the potential to reproduce 100 eggs in a season. While there are thousands of pythons in South Florida, the majority of the population occurs in Everglades National Park, which is not a part of our permit program.

The state-managed lands where pythons may be captured under this new permit program represent the northern-most range for Burmese pythons. To destroy even one of these nonnative invasive reptiles is a victory in the battle to stop the spread of pythons elsewhere in Florida.

We anticipate many more pythons will be captured as the weather cools and pythons come out to sun themselves during the day.

But we haven’t limited our python removal efforts to the 13 experts; we’ve expanded them to include hunters. It’s a natural step because, historically, hunters have been instrumental in conserving wildlife across this great country. Beginning with the first hunt of the 2009-2010 season, hunters on specific wildlife management areas in South Florida may take any reptile of concern they encounter during the course of their hunting excursion. If it’s archery season, they may take a python with a bow and arrow and any other instrument that’s legal to posses on the area during that season. If it’s muzzleloader season, they may use that type of gun to take the species. This special order, issued by the FWC’s executive director, includes alligator hunters on these state-managed areas.

We are asking the hunters to provide information about any reptiles of concern they kill in order to compile more complete information about the species.

Burmese pythons have invaded our native habitat, at least partly, because of people releasing them into the wild. We urge people with an exotic nonnative pet they can no longer keep, to turn in the reptile at Pet Amnesty Days held around the state. The next one is scheduled for Nov. 7 in the Tampa area. No matter what – never release a nonnative animal into the wild.

The FWC takes its responsibility for managing fish and wildlife seriously, and our priority always will be protection and conservation of native species. The difficult challenges already facing native wildlife – habitat loss and human population increases – are compounded by the threat of Burmese pythons being loose in the wild.

Discussions are continuing on how best to manage the Burmese python problem, and the FWC is dedicated to working with all of our partners – Everglades National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve, South Florida Water Management District and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – through special programs, scientific efforts and legislative action. Our mission of managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people is clearly shown in our dedication and new programs to stop the spread of all nonnative species in Florida.


Rodney Barreto
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Front Porch Reviews: An Important Message

Texting can be a Killer

For those of you that may not have seen the heads up at The Outdoor Bloggers Summit Community Wednesday , Front Porch Reviews is a new member of OBS that Kristine has found.

Expecting to see outdoorsy reviews and stuff like that I went to check it out.

I was startled by what I came to. If you have kids that text, you need to watch this. If you text you ought to watch it too. It plays automatically, so if you're in your office turn the speakers down.

Front Porch Reviews: An Important Message

As you might imagine, I don't text.


Florida Matters: FWC Offers Bowhunter Education Courses

FWC Offers Bowhunter Education Courses

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Hunter Safety and Ranges section is offering two Bowhunter Education courses in September and 5 more courses between October and December at various locations around the state.

The best thing about it is that all courses are conducted in the distance learning format, where you complete much of the content online, then receive your National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) certification at a 4 hour field day.

The schedule is as follows:
The September course will be offered in Duval and Citrus Counties.
The October courses are scheduled for Columbia and Jefferson Counties (Tallahassee area).
Palm Beach County will held in November, and 2 courses in Marion County during December.

Information and registration can be found on the web at:, or by calling the Hunter Safety office nearest you.

Northwest Region-Panama City (850) 413-0085
North Central Region, Lake City (386) 758-0525
Southwest Region - Lakeland (863) 648-3200
Northeast Region, Ocala (352) 625-2804
South Region, West Palm Beach (561) 625-5126

Even though I am not required to attend having held a Hunter Safety Certificate since the mid seventies, Bubby and his buddy Ethan don't have theirs so I am taking it upon myself to see to it that they get theirs.

It is very important to bring new members into our hunting family, and the sooner they join, the more likely they will stay with us for the long haul. So any Florida readers, think about taking a local boy to the course. It will only do us all good!

Best regards,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Installing New Hard Drive

It's Not That Hard to Do
Just a quick note.

I went and picked up a new Western Digital 500GB hard drive this morning. It took me about ten minutes to pull the face piece off the tower, pull the old drive, and put the new one in. I unplugged the slave drive and put the box back together again. I unplugged the slave just in case; that's my back up drive with all the pictures and some program files. The computer started right up when I hit the on/off switch, but without any software it just stopped dead in its tracks.

The installation disc for Ubuntu was close at hand. CD player open, drop disc in, close, restart machine, and viola! The installation process for Jaunty Jackalope began!

Now it's just a matter of configuring my dual monitors, and downloading the updates.

Then it's back to blogging!

Mostly I have quite a few pictures to crop down to size using Gimp, the Linux based version of Photoshop.

Come to think of it, those of you that wish you could afford Photoshop, (What is it like $600?), could instead download a windows version of Gimp, or spend $20.00 for the disc and magazine which comes with Ubuntu (OS), OpenOffice (As good as MS Office), Gimp (Photoshop), Scribus (Publisher) and dozens and dozens of other programs. All and I mean all of them free.

I've used Photoshop, and now using Gimp has been relatively pain free.

Anyway, something for you to consider.

Now back to fixing the computer...

UPDATE: Ok the installation went without a hitch, the downloads smooth, the updates - up to date, and the software operating properly. Posting will resume on a regular basis again!

UPDATE II: Gimp for windows

Coming tomorrow:

Shooting the SeigeWorks Creation American Longbow

Monday, August 31, 2009

I'll Need Two Camels and a Quart of Yak Milk... The Mongol Rally

© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
The Mongol Rally
Team SBW/TROC Vies for Slot in 2011!
Image Cred: PunjabPortal

Thanks to the The Suburban BushWacker's uncanny sense to post things mostly uncommon, usually unheard of, and of life-threateningly fascinating interest, to say nothing of the encouragement of many of my blogging friends, the plans for the Mongol Rally continue to move forward.

As undoubtedly many of you have far more sense than I probably can't indulge in this kind of adventure, I feel that it is only fair play and good turn about to ask for my fellow bloggers to help with advice. Perhaps a good idea or product recommendation will result in saving the Rally Team's hide!

Imagine, if you will, this scene:

SBW- I say now Albert, it's been three days now and I really have had enough of this! I mean seriously I have two wives now and we are no closer to getting to Ulaan Baatar...
TROC- Shhhh! Don't upset them! We need the damn camels, and two wives are better than... Shit, SBW if you have to, give the old one to The Northern Monkey... Wait a minute, hold on. Yes, yes, tell the chief that I'll throw in a bottle of Bookers, and a copy of "Goats Gone Wild:Uzbek." But that's it. The cafetera is out of the question!

Stuff like that could really happen, and losing a bottle Bookers because we were under-prepared could spell doom for your intrepid adventurers!
Image Cred: JacobGP

What I would like from as many of you as possible, is suggestions of things that you think we should take. Nothing is off the table except for firearms and explosive materials. This is a charity event after all, not an excursion into a war zone. Though with my luck who knows. And anyway, I can McGuyver my way out of that if need be.

Since NorCal brought up the Starbucks Coffee, the first thing in the kit will be a "cafetera" to make Cuban coffee in. Obviously we'll need a couple of pounds of Cuban ground coffee.

My inclusion will be a Swiss Army Knife and SOG S62 tool.

What do you say folks? Kit us up!

Logistics Officer

Other Links:

The Mongol Rally Official Site
The Suburban BushWacker

National Hunting and Fishing Day

National Hunting and Fishing Day
Saturday, September 26, 2009

With National Hunting and Fishing Day quickly approaching, I am going to have several posts concentrating on tips and ideas that you can use to help celebrate our sporting heritage.
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I urge everyone to do something along the way and especially on the 26th to further our mutual love for the outdoors. It can be something as simple as taking someone who has never fished out on a shoreline, lake, or pond, to perhaps giving a talk to school children on the conservation and preservation work that outdoor sportsmen do for the benefit of all.

Remember, it is all up to us to do what we can, because even the smallest thing you do, pays off in huge dividends!

Sincerely, your friend,
Albert A Rasch

Join Us in a Nationwide Celebration:
Hunt. Shoot. Fish. Share the pride!
With permission from NHFD

More than a century ago, hunters and anglers were the first to recognize that development and unregulated uses of wildlife were threatening the future of many species. President Theodore Roosevelt, a very active hunter and angler, supported the call for the first laws to restrict commercial harvest of wildlife. While enjoying National Hunting and Fishing Day, it may be worthwhile to consider the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation's seven basic principles, which enable you to have such great hunting and fishing opportunities:

  • Fish and wildlife are public resources. Throughout the United States, wildlife is held in common ownership by the state for the benefit of all people.
  • Markets for trade in black bass and other wildlife and sportfish are carefully restricted, removing a huge threat to sustaining those species.
  • States allow sustainable use of sport fish and wildlife by law, not by market pressures, land ownership or special privilege. The public has input into how these resources are allocated.
  • The democracy of hunting is emphasized. In North America, anyone in good standing may participate.
  • Hunters and anglers fund conservation, including protections for wildlife species that are not harvested, by purchasing hunting and fishing licenses and paying excise taxes on recreational equipment.
  • Many fish and wildlife species are an international resource. Species, such as migratory fish, transcend boundaries, requiring cooperative management.
  • Science is the proper tool for developing fisheries policy. This is a key concept of fish and wildlife management emphasized by Theodore Roosevelt, Aldo Leopold and many other conservation leaders.

  • In the 37 years since Congress formalized National Hunting and Fishing Day, a variety of celebrities have volunteered to serve as honorary chairman, lending their fame to help build public support for sporting traditions. Sports pros, actors and other personalities have served (see list below). But history shows that country music/entertainment has produced the most flag-bearers for the hunting, fishing and conservation community.

    That’s no surprise, according to a marketing exec with Capitol Records Nashville. She says country music, like hunting and fishing themselves, reflects a lifestyle. Other genres are more about emotion and instrumentation. Luke Bryan, the country sensation proudly presiding over the Sept. 26, 2009, celebration of NHF Day, is a case in point. Bryan’s hunting and fishing passions helped shape him as an artist, and continue to influence his path to stardom. “I feel very proud to be a part of this,” said Bryan. “I’m looking forward to the coming year. I hope to help grow awareness of what hunters and anglers do for conservation, and just promote hunting and fishing overall. "

    Wonders of Wildlife, in Springfield, Mo., is the official home of National Hunting and Fishing Day. The museum coordinates public education and awareness campaigns to promote traditional outdoor sports.

    The growing list of sponsors for National Hunting and Fishing Day 2009 includes Wonders of Wildlife, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Bass Pro Shops, The Sportsman Channel, Realtree,, Hunting Heritage Trust, Cabela’s, Boone and Crockett Club, Smith & Wesson, Field & Stream/Outdoor Life, Woolrich and Yamaha.

    Related posts on The National Hunting and Fishing Day:

    National Hunting and Fishing Day
    Three Big Reasons
    Hunting Facts and Figures
    Hunter's Contributions Exceed 5 Billion Dollars

    Albert A Rasch
    Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
    The Hunt Continues...

    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

    HSUS Files Amicus Brief Against Sportsmen

    HSUS Spends Big Money That Isn't Theirs... Really...

    In typical HSUS fashion, they have filed an amicus brief in the US Supreme Court against the makers of hunting and fishing videos. The original case could have ramifications as far as print!

    This is their standard modus operendi, divide and conquer. Destroy a viable business model and got o the next area where they think they can win.

    I know I am preaching to the choir, but it is imperative that you always think about these groups, and in your circle of acquaintances you make an effort to educate and elucidate on the issues!

    Washington, DC -( The U.S. Supreme Court is slated to hear oral arguments in U.S. v. Stevens on Oct. 6. NSSF alerted conservation, sportsmen and outdoor media groups to this case previously and filed an amicus brief with the court. The case centers around a 1999 federal statute used to prosecute a Virginia man on animal cruelty-related charges that could similarly be used to prosecute retailers for stocking and selling books, DVDs or art depicting hunting scenes.

    In the 2004 case, the defendant was initially convicted, but the decision was later overturned by the Third Court of Appeals as a violation of the First Amendment. NSSF opposes animal cruelty which is illegal in every state, but hunting scenes — which date back to cave drawings — are not representative of such criminal behavior.

    The Humane Society of the United States has filed an amicus brief for the government.

    Let's keep an eye on this!

    Albert A Rasch
    Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)

    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles

    The Hunt Continues...

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    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    Hard Drive Finally Gave Up

    The Hard Drive Blues

    The hard drive in my Compaq finally gave up the ghost. I'm left with the office laptop for the time being which means I don't have access to Gimp, my Ubuntu based photo editor. So some of the posts I had scheduled for the beginning of the week will have to wait until the latter part. I'll need to pick up a new hard drive, and since I tend have archaic computer equipment, I'll have to figure out if the newer drive will work in current system.

    This should be fun...
