© 2012 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Folks, here are my picks for this week's best posts. It's all old stuff that I think is always good to take a second look at! Now I may have missed a few here and there, and if that's the case don't forget to feel free to remind me to add it to the Rodeo!
By the way, if you have a post that you're particularly proud of, or it's an oldie but a goodie like these, then let me know and I'll link to it and put it on TROC.
First up is Deer Impacts: "In many places, deer and other large ungulates are reaching densities that damage ecosystems and create conflicts with people. This blog represents my attempt to monitor deer conflicts and impacts around the world. Tom Rooney: I am a biology professor at Wright State University, and have been studying the effects of deer on forests since 1995." Really interesting stuff and good information on what's going on with respect to the burgeoning deer population.
Operation Idaho 2009 "This blog has been created as an electronic journal of Brandon and Brad's quest to bowhunt Idaho's backcountry in September 2009. The challenge is that neither have done this before. This blog will serve as record of 6 months of planning and preparation: exercise, diet, archery practice, equipment research, purchase and review, as well as any other aspects backcountry bowhunting." Another really interesting blog. I think it's a great concept, and one that I would like to see more of.
Patrick Grotto on BowHunting. A fascinating read on bow hunting and taking deer. I'm not sure where to begin as it is all very, very good. The subject matter is varied, and I feel like I am being educated by a sage, who is trying to impart wisdom through the direct, and via metaphor. It's a must see.
Over at Rob's Hunting Journal, Rob has modified a deer cam with some awesome results. Here is the mods: Homebrew Trail Cam and here are the results: Moment of Truth. Rob does a great job of explaining what and how he does it, clearly and in a fashion that is easily followed. The results speak for themselves.
Slob Hunters covers an important topic that we all have to consider. Fair Chase gives some thought and consideration to the subject in a well written post.
NorCal Cazadora wrote several articles for her local regional newspaper and is asking us to support the newspaper by commenting on the paper's website. It is imperative that we support one and other, in addition to allies in the media.
PeTA Watch is a group that keeps an eye on the loons at PeTA. I get quite a bit of intell from these folks, and for those of you that keep tab on the animal rights extremists, this is a great resource.
Alright then, these are this week's highlights, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
And don't forget, touch base with me if you would like me to link a story, drum up some interest in one of your posts, or just to shoot the bull. My e-mail is on my profile page.
Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...