Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bishkek or Bust

Greetings from Kyrgystan!

It is truly a beautiful place!  If I didn't know any better I would think I was in a North Eastern forest. Giant spruce looking trees, tall deciduous trees and and lower story shrubs make it look just as pretty as a post card!

There are these crazy looking crows that have a white bib, I can't get a picture of them here at the base, but I am told that they are everywhere.

I flew in with a nice Russian family, and they have a hotel that caters to moountain climbers and skiers.  I mentioned that the fishing in the rivers must be something and they confirmed that there are small trout like fish in the mnountain streams.

I have to try to get back up here and spend a couple of weeks exploring this area!

I hope I can get some pictures from around here, but I am constrained by rules on bases.

I'll keep you all posted!

Sent from Bishkek, Kyrgystan 08:45 10/28/09

Constantinople or Bust!

Greetings fellow bloggers!

I'm sure everyone pretty much figured this one out, but yes, I am in Istanbul, Turkey. Unfortunately I'm at the airport and I can't, or better said won't, leave the terminal at Ataturk airport. BTW, I gave the pilot an ataboy for landing the plane in one piece after about 12 hours.

I wish I had time to explore Istanbul, but my next flight is a couple of hours away and prudence dictates staying put.

The Blue Mosque

There are several incredible mosques in Istanbul that I would have enjoyed seeing. There are about 60 all told in the city, but you can see the major ones here.

Next stop is landlocked, cold, 80% mountainous, and only 8% cultivated. I'm told it really is no fun what-so-ever... But it's not my final destination! I'll keep you all posted as I progress through my travels. Dang it, if it was only a safari...

When I get a chance I will download some pictures. Oh and I have really been 90 to nothing this last week and a half and I commented on maybe three blogs. I haven't abandoned you all, just a little occupied that's all!

Keep on blogging,

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where in the World is Mr Albert Now?

Hello my friends!

My posts are getting garbled up! Sorry for the confusion, but I'm about as busy as a mouse in a cheese factory.

Well, we are going to play an interesting game for the next few posts.

Where in the World is Albert!

Right now I'm on my to the Prez's home town for a quick layover before I head out to the land bridge between two continents.

It's a land where the coffee is strong, the women have curves, and an international incident is bound to find me!

Oh, and for those of us in the know, Triple A wood comes from there often.

I'll send pictures first chance I get.

As always, best regards to everyone!