© 2009 Albert A Rasch
PeTA: Animal Rights Activists and Child Molesters
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Babygirl is here for the summer, finally. I pretty much look forward to it from the moment she leaves at the end of summer.
This year it has been a little different though. She's going to turn twelve, and Dad doesn't understand little girls much. Oh she's still a big help, handing me tools and helping me sharpen knives, but this little fellow named Peter calls, and there's a lot of giggling and such. Why do little girls giggle so much anyway? Oh, and she wants to be a Vegan.
A few of nights ago we are all getting ready for bedtime. Mom and I sent Bubby and Babygirl off to change into their PJs and brush their teeth. Why does a simple operation like that take so long? When my sweetie pie comes out, there was something in the body language that made me alert. Fuzzy slippers, monkey pajama pants, t-shirt with an animal or two... wait a minute, what's that writing?
Hunting is not a sport.
In a sport both sides should know they are in the game.
It was late and I was tired. At least I didn't make her cry. But I forbade the wearing of that shirt in my home.
Oh, I got an earful about twenty minutes later. By the time the Mrs was done with me, I wished I had been skinned and burned at the stake. Little did I know how prescient I was.
The next morning I attempted to assuage Babygirl. I can be pretty gruff especially when it has something to do with foolish Vegan and animal rights activism; and for a sensitive little girl, I must look and sound positively ogre like, and not in the funny way. Anyway, the next morning I sat down with her at the dining room table and explained to her that I was a little surprised to see her wearing that shirt. After all, she knows I hunt and her grandpa did too. I was in the middle of all this when I look at the cute monkey on her t shirt, and realize that I'm looking at an advertisement for PeTA! What was on the shirt is irrelevant, the point is that now I was dealing with a wardrobe of animal rights activism! She even has Vegan tennis shoes.
When I asked her where on this green earth she got the shirts, she says, "My friend got them for me."
"What friend?" I asked, eyebrow threatening to become part of my hair-do.
"My school friend A___." She answered.
Well I asked her what she knew and what she thought about what her "friend" was telling her. I proceeded to dismantle her assertions and the disinformation she had been fed. I have some small experience with indoctrination techniques. From her answers I could tell that she was being brainwashed and indoctrinated by this "friend." I felt that we made some progress and opened the door to further discussion.
Fast forward to last night. We went to the local Mexican restaurant. They make the best steak burritos, and their guacamole kicks! Mom, Babygirl, and I ordered those steak burritos with refried beans, yellow rice, and a dollop of sour cream. Man, they were good. I winked at the Mrs. as my Babygirl dug right into that steak like the good carnivore she is.
About midway through the meal, Babygirl asked me why trappers needed to skin animals alive.
"What?!" I exclaimed. "There's no way a trapper would skin an animal alive. That animal would tear him apart! And anyway, the way traps are set up, they either kill the animal instantly, or quick enough that it isn't unjustly cruel."
"But Dad," she started, "they do, I..."
"Babygirl, don't be silly!" I cut her off. "No trapper would do such a thing. Who told you this? What lies is your friend telling you?" I didn't notice the tears welling up in her eyes.
A swift painful kick caught me right in the shin. Startled I looked at the Mrs who was sitting across from me. Its a wonder she hasn't broken my leg yet. She made signs to me to hug my Babygirl. That's when I noticed the tears streaming down her face.
I'm a lot of things.
Stubborn, boneheaded, smart, an idiot, and a whole bunch of other things, some good, some not so good, and a few unmentionables that I wish I wasn't.
But there is one thing that I am, and that is an implacable foe. When I get it in for you, you had better hope an armored division is between you and me. That is the only thing that might even the odds between us. I will hunt you down and I will destroy everything you throw in my path.
Someone has hurt my Babygirl, and I won't stop going after
them until they are destroyed.
I held her for a long while, my food forgotten and cold on the plate. When she settled down, I got to the bottom of the issue. She had been shown a video of animals being skinned alive, the skinners laughing, and having a good time. I was aghast, not at the apparent cruelty to animals, but at the
malicious and criminal act of exposing a child to such depravity.
The Mrs and I tried, as best we could to explain to her that these were acts done by mentally deficient people, and an aberration. I promised her that I would get to the bottom of this and see what I could do.
After we had come home and I was sure that all dreams were going to be sweet ones, I did my research. What I found shocked me. Videos of animals being skinned alive. Babygirl wasn't lying.
Let me warn you. Do not look for them, the images will turn your stomach.
You do not need to.
It is enough for you my friends, to take my word on this. I'm not particularly surprised to to see people act in an inhumane way. But this transcends the "normal" psychotic behavior we are accustomed to see. These images come from Chinese fur farms, a place not known for any sentimentality. The skinners bludgeon the furbearers in an attempt to kill them outright, but more often than not, they only stun the creature. Many times it isn't enough to keep the animal from writhing in agony and gnashing its teeth as its skin is torn from its body.
By the way, next time somebody wants to piss and moan about hi-fence hunting I might blow a gasket. Let's concentrate on important things.
But I am not here to discuss the relative moral implications of buying fur trimmed coats. What I am though, is asking what the
Hell is PeTA thinking when it exposes young children to animal cruelty? What is the difference between mental and physical abuse and harm? It must be a pretty desperate gambit when you have to stoop to hurting children to get your twisted message across. As far as I am concerned, PeTA is nothing more than a hotbed of child molesting filth that needs to be stamped out and erased.
I'll be looking for PeTA from now on. If they attempt to infiltrate a school, I'll be there. When their "Young Adult" division
PeTA2 comes around with their campaign of disinformation, I'll be there with the truth. And Babygirl's friend, when I am done with her and her parents... I will let you know how it ends up for them.
More importantly I will continue to educate every child I come in contact with about the wonders of Nature and the responsibilities we have towards it. We are the conservationists and preservationists. We are the guardians of everything of value and the only ones that appreciate it in all its magnificence.
My friends, protect your children. You never know where your enemies are, and what their agenda is. Arm them with the ability to think for themselves, teach them to be critical thinkers. It takes time, time you may think you don't have, but when you see tears and anguish on your child's face you will wish you had taken the time and done the right thing by them.
Albert A Rasch
Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...And boy am I pissed...
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