Do we need any more proof that the so-called "Animal Rights" groups are nothing more than home-grown terrorists? What person in their right mind would stage an Al-Qaedaesque execution of a National icon like Ronald McDonald! The answer is self evident; see the proof for yourselves:
Al Qaeda Video: Ronald McDonald to be Executed
Sick "Animal Rights" activists hold
beloved American icon hostage!
beloved American icon hostage!
If they are willing to use the dastardly reputation and deadly tactics of the sickest, most perverted and destructive followers of that death cult, as a tool to further their agenda, what will they do next? Hold executions of children and their hamsters? Terrorize schools that have animals for the children to observe and study? Attack isolated farming communities? There is no end to the possible mayhem they could cause!
It is time we treated these eco-terrorists with the same medicine we treat all the enemies of our great Nation!
A Hellfire enema, delivered via Dr. Predator!
Please Tweet and Digg, we need to get this out in the open!
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