The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Saturday Blog Rodeo 11/20/10
(Remember if you bump into a post you especially like, drop me a note and I'll include it in the Rodeo. You can even feel free to copy this whole post and run it on your own blog; it spreads the word, and it's always nice to give a little link love to your fellow bloggers!)
Jim Tantillo of Fair Chase blog has been very kind to highlight my post High Fence Hunting; Is the Public the Problem? on his excellent blog.Two statements caught my eye, "If private companies can do better what the state cannot, then I think we should at least have that discussion," and, "While many hunters enjoy eating the food that hunting yields, food is not the sole motivator for many hunters. Managers who downplay other motivations--including aesthetic motivations for sport and trophy--perhaps are guilty of a kind of blind spot."
By the time you read this, I hope to have put together yet another post on the subject, brought to mind by Jim's thoughtful comments. Please stop by Fair Chase and keep the discussion going.
Quite some time ago, even before I blogged, I had put together a monthly pamphlet called The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles. I had no idea that blogging existed at the time, and I think I mailed copies of it to about a half dozen friends before my computer crashed and I lost all of my templates and articles. Among the many I had written was one called "2 for 1." It was an idea I had for increasing the number of hunters and pro-gun people. I was blog hopping again and I found an old friend "Ethics and Environment," a well written and thought out blog by Josh Stark. In his post Quick thought from the Each One Teach One idea, he reminded me of that idea. Let me quote: "Hunters, if you are so inclined, I recommend you seek out some of your more environmentalist acquaintances, talk up the beauty and experience of intimately knowing your habitats and gaining sustenance from them, and see what happens." I think this post is another one that has made me think of some great ideas to expand and act upon! Thanks Josh!
Allegheny Mountain Wanderings is one of my favorite blogs. I am always taken by the delightful pictures and good down to earth writing! It doesn't hurt that Mr Grimes is also a 16 gauge afficionado like myself, and also loves fine doubles, again like myself! You can do no better than to peruse his posts and enjoy a nice evening of reading. "Haven't had a chance to shoot her at the pattern board yet but she really dusts the claybirds when I do my part..." Check out his new Guild Gun a 16 hammer gun: Introducing Collett.
I was introduced to Silk Lines and Paper Hulls through the comment section on Chad's Mallard of Discontent. I know the good stuff when I see it. Imagine the discipline it takes to compose the following: "...I've kept a steadfast image in my head that if I remained diligent, perseverance would eventually reward me with a bird, or at the very least give me a chance to perhaps see one. I mean.... they're both quail, right? How much different could they actually be?" From Mythical Beast.
Here are a few posts that should be revisited:
Some time ago I found the following post by Orion board member Tammy Sapp, on her exceptional blog, The Outdoor Scene. In Understanding Issues: It's Complicated, Ms Sapp discusses the North American Wildlife Conservation Model, its impact, and the guidelines that have made it a success in managing wildlife for all. "The model’s two basic principles—that fish and wildlife belong to everyone and are to be managed so their populations will be sustained forever—are explained through a set of guidelines known as the “Seven Sisters for Conservation.” I strongly recommend that you take a moment and read the post, it is short, and again, elucidating!
My Favorite Marlin brings us a great, short essay: Bush Living by Sharron Chatterton. Eloquent, direct, and full of insight, it is a must read this Saturday morning.
This is a great post that fits right in with some of this week's conversation: The Thinking Hunter comments on the level of competition that has now permeated the hunting ethos. He makes many salient points, many of which I agree with. Some of our top blogging luminaries have weighed in with their opinions, and I should hope each and every one of us will take a moment to read not only the post, Competitive Hunting--BARF! but the comments as well!
Myself, on the off hand you missed it, I posted Reasons to take a Whitetail Doe, where I discuss some very good reasons to fill that doe tag. And you might want to take a look at this old post High Fence Hunting: What are the Facts? That one was a pretty good one, with lots of comments!
Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch™
Member: Shindand Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner, Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A RaschAlbert A Rasch So, you want to be a contractor. Handfeeding a Baby Mockingbird Clean and Repair your Ruger 10 22 Magazine
Thanks for the exposure, Albert! I hope folks are able to act on it. Personally, I've only had good experiences talking hunting/fishing with my enviro. activists colleagues (and believe me, I'm in the thick of 'em!) For folks reading here, please note that these are NOT animal rights people. Animal rights folks are not in the pantheon of environmentalism/conservation.
Thanks very much for the recognition.
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