The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Special Craftsman's Edition!
Saturday Blog Rodeo 11/27/10
Saturday Blog Rodeo 11/27/10
Well, I did it again, I got ahead of the game this week! Since it worked as well as it did last week, I figured I might as well do it again! Once again, as is my habit, I've roamed the ephemeral nether regions of the hunting and outdoorsmen's internet. And as you might imagine, I've picked out posts that I especially enjoyed this past week from all of blogs I follow, and some that I found. This week I am highlighting the craftsmen I try to emulate, but fail at miserably!
(Remember if you bump into a post you especially like, drop me a note and I'll include it in the Rodeo. You can even feel free to copy this whole post and run it on your own blog; it spreads the word, and it's always nice to give a little link love to your fellow bloggers!)
I might add that not a single one of you has ever taken me up on that offer!
Let's see if we might change that this week eh?
So without further adieu, lets get started!
First up is Wonderful Whittlin'. John G is an accomplished wood carver. I first bumped into John's blog while I was looking at walking sticks. Why was I looking at walking sticks? I don't know, I just was! He had just finished his woodspirit walking stick project and I thought it wonderful. I have always liked carved walking sticks and staffs, and one of these days I may commision one. All of my walking sticks are basically sanded and oiled branches I have picked up in my wandering about. I have an umbrella stand full of them at home by the entry. John's work though, takes it to another level with his fanciful and playful designs! By the way, take a look at that handsome carving knife in the picture.
Next up is my old friend Todd at Primitive Point. As I am sure you all are tired of hearing, Todd actually got me started blogging. At the time I didn't know the medium existed, but through a discussion in a forum he and I frequented, he introduced me to the concept. He's a school teacher during the day, but in his spare time he is a bladesmith. Two things come to my mind when Todd hammers out a workingman's blade at his forge: practical and rugged. His forte is Scandi styled knives and integrals. I think enough of his skill and ability to ask him to consider forging a back-up knife for me. Nuff said.
Nehawka Priitive Skills is another favorite of mine. I really appreciate the effort and skill that many of the Paleo craftsmen have gained and exhibit. Mark, to be simplistic about it, takes rocks, sticks, and bones and turns them into fully functional tools and.... works of art! There's no other way to describe it. Some of his creations are not only lethal, but beautiful in form. I noticed that he hasn't posted in quite some time, so I've sent him an email to see what's up!
A Woodsman's Wanderings & Rambleings is new to me, and I found it through Primitive Point. Joel is a wood carver and bladesmith who makes all of his own working knives. He has several excellent articles and tutorials. To the right you will see an awesome set that Joel was commisioned to put together. That littke package there is pretty close to an ultimate outdoorsman's set. I think it's the cat's pajamas. The heavier bush knife is great for those things that require a little heft, while the skinner can handle all the other lighter tasks. Beautifuly executed!
I have several more that I would like to share with you all, but I have (as usual) run plum out of time again! As I write this it is 0401hours Saturday morning here in Herat province, the natives are restless, and I only have a few minutes to spend with you.
As we enter the holiday seasons, please be safe and secure.
Be alert; keep your eyes open and pay attention!
Complacency will get you hurt, or worse!
We can't be everywhere all of the time; you must take responsibility for your own safety!
Be especially vigilant when you are in crowded, popular places!
Do not be afraid. Be smart, be vigilant!
Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch™
Member: Shindand Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

Albert I enjoyed this post and your words at the end are a very good touch.
We all should pay attention to our surrounding no matter where we are. Just because the fight appears to be over seas does not mean it is not on our own soil either.
Protect you and your family the best you can, you just never know when someone is going to decide they want to ruin somebodies day.
Whitetail Woods Blog / Deer Hunting and Blackpowder Shooting at it’s best.
Thanks for stopping by. I wish I can say more. But what I don't say should be as loud if not louder than what I do.
This holiday season in particular is a dangerous one. Please use all caution.
Your friend,
The Range Reviews: How Terrorists Choose Their Targets
Albert, thanks for the mention! It's nice to see PrimitivePoint up there too. One of my favorites.
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