The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Turkey Hunting Tips and Tactics from Our Friends
I've never been turkey hunting, a situation that I aim to resolve next Fall season, so I have been researching for turkey hunting advice through all of our friend's blogs.
Holly Heyser our our intrepid NorCalCazadora, has an interesting tip from National Wild Turkey Federation Regional Biologist Ryan Mathis. Her article "A Surprising Turkey Hunting Tip from a Pro" is an eye opener!

There are great tips at Turkey Scratchings, a blog dedicated to chasing and hunting turkey.
Jesse's Hunting and Outdoors has a very through and complete section on Turkey hunting also. On the very top of the Turkey Hunting page, Jesse has a series of links to many different subject areas relating to the pursuit of Wild Turkeys. Subjects such as Aging Turkeys, Turkey Calls, and Bowhunting Turkey, are just a few of the topics covered in depth. And if that's not enough, each of the topic areas have more links to other information to further your knowledge! "Use what talent you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
Let's not forget my friend Scott Croner of Nebraska Hunting Outfitters. He has several posts on his blog covering different aspects of successfully connecting with a Merriam's Turkey. Check out the FAQ! Scott's got a great record with Merriam's turkeys and I highly recommend him.
That's a good start with plenty of information to help me score a turkey next season. As new posts start to roll in from this season I'll be updateing this post!
Best Regards,
Albert “Afghanus” Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Albert Rasch In Afghanistan
Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member: Shindand Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner, Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A RaschAlbert A Rasch So, you want to be a contractor. Handfeeding a Baby Mockingbird Clean and Repair your Ruger 10 22 Magazine
Hey Albert,
Please toss in our turkey hunting info pages. Info on bowhunting turkeys, biology, how to make your own wing bone call and much more.
Turkey Hunting Info
Dang it! I have your links in my link list but I missed it. I'll correct it immediately!
Thanks for the plug. I am glad you like the information I provide on turkey hunting.
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