The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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To Serve Those who have Served Us
Bowman Lodge
I have the distinct pleasure of introducing to you a new lodge and hunting facility that I hope to visit and report on in the near future.
I first spoke with Paul Bowman Jr almost a year ago while we were all discussing private property concerns and the issues of access, game management, and fencing. Paul and I discussed many of the issues in depth, illuminating many areas, and leaving others open to more discussion.
Paul had a vision, and as a veteran of the United States Marine Corps (Operation Desert Storm), and having served in law enforcement for eight years in the Lone Star State, he has seen first hand the almost insurmountable odds that disabled veterans have to contend with.
His wife Britani, comes from a family steeped in outdoor pursuits. Britani's father, William W. Talley II, served as a nuclear submarine officer in the U.S. Navy and was a lifelong member of Safari Club International. An avid hunter, he often traveled the world over. He instilled in Britani a great interest in wildlife and conservation issues. With a strong desire to give back to their country and support his fellow vets, they have combined their love of the outdoors, with the desire to honor her family's legacy by creating Bowman Lodge at their Lone Tree ranch.
Several days ago I received this email from Paul:
just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that our lodge is finally complete! We are in the process of furnishing it and moving stuff in; we hope to have our open house sometime in July. Our first group of disabled hunters will be a group of 101st Airborne Soldiers from Ft. Campbell in October."
Wow!!! I'm excited, and I'm halfway around the world!
Paul has set up a very attractive website to get the word out: Bowman Lodge
From the Bowman Lodge website:
To Serve Those who have Served Us
Many military personnel have hunted and fished all of their lives. They enlist, train, deploy overseas to serve our country – and sometimes return as disabled veterans. They wonder if they will ever again be able to enjoy the outdoor sports they once loved.
The Bowman Lodge at Lone Tree Ranch was established by vets, for vets…to give them the complete outdoor experience they deserve.
A natural hunter’s paradise awaits!
Lone Tree Ranch is 1,100 acres of mixed hardwood forests and open grassland, located outside Morris, Oklahoma. Trophy whitetail deer, turkey, and a variety of small game animals abound. Fifteen stocked ponds provide ample fishing opportunities as well.
Here, there are no limits on what you can do.
We offer all the luxury of a high-fenced, commercial hunt , minus the restrictions. If you sight it, you can shoot it. We have worked with other vets to provide a variety of adaptive hunting measures – special transport, blinds and stands – to ensure an exciting, fulfilling hunt. All hunts are fully guided by a fellow veteran.
The Hunting Grounds
Built for disabled vets from the ground up.
Built for disabled vets from the ground up.
Please visit the their website, and leave a few words of encouragement on their blog! Personally, I am looking forward to visiting Bowman Lodge and spreading the word on this wonderful opportunity for disabled veteran sportsmen!
Albert A Rasch
Member Bagram Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

That sure looks like a spot for the men and women who served can go and enjoy. I look forward to what you have to say when you make it there.
Wow, Albert, that is fantastic! I don't know that I've ever heard of a facility so dedicated to disabled veterans. Wonderful!
I spent quite a bit of time discussing the concept with Paul. He was adamant that the experience was a complete experience, and something that a veteran would cherish forever.
I think he's done a remarkable job, and put a whole lot into it! I'm looking forward to being a guest at his ranch and writing about it!
Best regards,
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