The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Today is
National Hunting and Fishing Day!
National Hunting and Fishing Day!
So stop reading this, grab a fishing rod or shotgun and get outside!
(Then come back and read this...)
Well, here is another Saturday and it is time for another Rodeo!
I've picked out posts that I especially enjoyed this week from the hundreds of blogs I follow. Remember if you bump into a post you especially like, drop me a note and I'll include it in the Rodeo. You can even feel free to copy this whole post and run it on your own blog; always nice to give a little link love to our fellow bloggers!
Blog Rodeo: 9/26/09
Sometimes it is Hard to See the Forest... is another great post by Doug over at Harris' Hawk Blog. Giving a lot of thought to the issues of hunting, conservation, and animal rights, Doug sifts through the chaff and separates the misinformation from the facts.
The Reluctant Paladin has an artistic streak a mile long, go check out some of his projects, and get a look at his hand carved stockwork in Paladin's Assorted Crap #5. It's awesome!
My Favorite Marlin brings us a great, short essay: Bush Living by Sharron Chatterton. Eloquent, direct, and full of insight, it is a must read this Saturday morning.
Brigid writes so well on her blog, Home on the Range, that quite frankly I'm embarrassed to call my blog written. Anyway, Brigid has a post that knocks the socks off of almost everything else she has written. I Am a Shooter should be in those high school literature anthologies. The prose is flawless, the content unique, the meaning unmistakable. I mean, she even knows who Clausewitz is! How HOT is that! (Oh, and check out the recipe list on the right hand side while you're at it.)
Resident OBS falconer Doug has a another great post on conservation and animal rights extremism on his blog Harris' Hawk Blog. Doug has been putting some great posts together on the subject, one of which I highlighted last week. This week he follows up with Giving Conservation a Bad Name, another post that neatly dissects the issue.
As usual we have our resident security expert Bore Patch dishing out the important stuff. Security Smorgasbord, Vol 1, No. 2 covers an "interesting mix of security news, from the concrete (could very well effect you) to the esoteric." You would be well advised to visit him, and often!
My man Caleb got his first bow deer! I couldn't believe it when his post popped up on my reader, and I couldn't be more tickled! Stop by his blog and lets congratulate him! My First Bow Deer Caleb is working real hard, not only on his hunting, but his writing skills also. Let's give him some support and encouragement!
Rick follows up on After the Shot with After the Shot Part 2, and After the Shot Part 3. All three are well written and worth the time to read.
Making Wine and Riding the Dragon; isn't that a great title? Mr Hank gives us his perspective on the process, both physical and metaphysical, that goes into wine making. Honest writing about honest food from the Hunter, Angler, Gardener, Cook.
The Reluctant Paladin reminds us in Fork in the Road, that vigilance must be eternal. Right in his own back yard so-to-speak, a thug wanna-be jihadist, attempted to blow up a building.
Well that about wraps it up for this Saturday. Beats me what's in store for everyone next week, but I'm sure I can come up with at least one contentious post!
Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...
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