The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Best of the Outdoor Bloggers
Remember I mentioned a week or so ago I would be going through everyones archives and finding those posts that I thought were interesting and worth revisiting? Well, I found the following post, Predators, Varmints and the Kiss of Death, on Wild Ed's Texas Outdoors, dusted it off, and am presenting it here for everyone to view again!
Wild Ed, Wild Ed's Texas Outdoors
Picture Credit: Wild EdWhen I was a small child I spent many holidays with my grandparents. They owned a ranch near Round Mountain, Texas a small community southwest of Marble Falls, Texas. Sometimes my grandfather would go to Marble Falls for cattle feed and supplies and I got to ride along. It was always a special trip to town for we would stop at the Blue Bonnet Cafe, a Texas tradition, for granddad's coffee and pie. I would get a soft drink which I drank as fast a possible so I could ask to go across the street. Permission granted I headed to my favorite shop in the whole world. It was Burnham Brothers Sporting Goods and for a youngster eat up with hunting this place was heaven on earth. They used to have a window full of live rattlesnakes and all the latest hunting gear, but better than that it had Murry and Winston Burnham. They would sit in the shop and tell stories about calling in predators with calls and many times with sounds they made themselves. I considered these two men the superstars of predator calling. I would sit and listen to whatever golden words of advice they would give me and go back to the ranch and practice varmint calling for hours. Two of my most prized possessions were Burnham Brother Predator calls. One day when the Burnham’s were passing out the gospel of varmint calling the subject of lip squeaking came up. I do not remember if it was Murry or Winston that helped show me how to suck on the back of my middle finger and make this wonderful squeak that sounds something like a young squirrel, rodent or even rabbit in distress. Learning to make this magical sound was the beginning of a lifetime of calling animals.
The sound is simply made by making a kissing sound with your lips while pressing them against the palm-side of the middle finger. You can play with the way you do it until you get the best sound and volume. Most people would call me a liar if I told them about the hundreds of animals that have come to this sound.
Picture Credit: Wild Ed

PictureCredit: Wild Ed

Wild Ed also has a follow up post on the "Kiss of Death." It's a demonstration and you can find it at: Kiss of Death Demo.

Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member:Kandahar Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...
Keywords: Predator hunting, predator, predators, predator calls, making a predator call, fox hunting, jackel hunting, bobcat hunting, predator shooting, calls for predators
Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner, Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Albert A Rasch Albert “Afghanus” Rasch Albert A Rasch Scott Croner Nebraska Hunting Scott Croner Merriam's Turkey Hunting Albert A RaschAlbert A Rasch So, you want to be a contractor. Handfeeding a Baby Mockingbird Clean and Repair your Ruger 10 22 Magazine
Albert I am truly honored. It is people like you and some of my readers that make my Blog worth the time and effort as it has been a non profit work since the inception. Thanks my friend,
Wild Ed
Ed, if you rant and rave about stuff you like for FREE, people may or may not like you for it, but the people that like you for it appreciate you took the time to write it and trust you.
As for marbly falls (funny side note, my Illinois grandma once asked where the "falls" were...under the 281 bridge, in the lake...mostly...if you are keeping score at home.)
"Yankee Roast" pot roast or CFS and PIE with UNSWEET TEA!!!
Guitar picker buddy of mine used to live, literally, walking distance from there, more or less. Breakfasts at Bluebonnet are good to, but I can never finish them.
I've never been there even once because I hated it! :-)
If you ever end up back in the area again, though, there's the Chrome Cactus burger joint by the REMAX office on 281, and they have a HALF POUND BURGER WITH, get this, cheese and CHICKEN FRIED BACON on top.
My cardiologist and pancreas doc says it's a bad idea and I think I'll die some day anyway, so I may as well eat!
Not every day, but it's as fun of a place to eat as Bluebonnet in a different way. My dad likes Bluebonnet better when he visits because of the PIE.
Stay Safe in the land that Genghis Khan forgot! And in Round Rock, too!
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