Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Blog Rodeo 8/28/10

© 2010 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
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Saturday Blog Rodeo 08/28/10

ZOUNDS! Another week has come and gone and I am still here in Afghanistan, the Talibanannas still haven't zeroed in on me, and I haven't been run over by a third country national or member of NATO. And that's not from lack of trying on their part! If Al Gore only new how much hot air and carbon is being emitted here, he would have us shut down this little ol' war and make us all go home!

Anyway, once again I bring to you the Blogs, posts, and commentaries that I found most entertaining and informative! And believe it or not, none of it has anything to do with Britany Spears turning thirty, politically correct Admirals, or that daily filler dish at the mess hall, polenta.

NOTE: Those of you that have comments embedded within your post, I cannot comment on your blog because of the MilNet's filters. I'm really sorry that I can't comment because there are so many posts that I wish to leave a note on! Very frustrating...

Let's see what we have for you this week!

Photo Credit: Rick Fletcher's Blog
I found this most excellent Blog in Deer Camp Blog's Blog Roll. Rick Fletcher is a rancher out in Almadea County, California. His blog, Rick Fletcher's Blog, is an ongoing discussion on hunting, conservation, and the nexus of ranching and the environment, with emphasis on thinking through the issues of balancing wildlife and economics.

Rick has a section in his blog, Thoughts on Managing a Ranch for Native Wildlife, Hunting and Value. That's an excellent place to start:

"If you’re a hunter, you might not be too worried about endangered foxes, but keep in mind that property values increase when you maintain a healthy population of wildlife, especially endangered species. You may someday find that taking care of these species will pay off in the form of opportunities to officially protect them in the form of mitigation."

To see some of the actual work and the results take a look at the following post, A Walk Around a Revived Pond. Fletcher takes an old cattle pond that was stocked with non-native fish, and restores to its proper ecological niche. 

Rick Fletcher's Blog is another must see blog, and should be part of your regular reading!

I don't think I have mentioned Rob's Hunting Journal before now. Rob likes to design and build trail cams, and obviously take pictures with them. His first post on the subject, My First Homebrew Trail Camera gives a lot of hints and suggestions, in addition to other resources on the web that will help you design and build your own high resolution trail cam. I'm thinking this might be a great project to get started on once I get back. I also think Rick over at Whitetail Woods ought to put one together too!

Well, by the time you all read this, I should be somewhere over the Atlantic and on my way home!  I look forward to catching up on all the comments, and seeing how everyone is. I'll be getting some (LOTS!) fishing in too with Bubby!

Remember, if you happen to bump into a post or blog you really like, let me know and I'll include it in my next Blog Rodeo!

Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member:Kandahar Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles


Stephen Olner said...

wow freaky, i have been looking into homebrew trail cams all week and here you go and recomend a blog on it, fantastic thanks !

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this. I am always interested in adding new blogs to my reading list!

Nebraska Hunting Company said...

I really liked Rick Fletcher's Blog, and the trail Cam blog has a great number of links to other how to blogs. You can follow them and build yourself any number of excellent cams.

So when are you going to put some together?

Best to you,
Scott Croner™
Nebraska Hunting Company