The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles™
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How about a little blast from the past, a Chronicles Classic so to speak. I find myself looking back into my archives that remind me of all the fun I've had while at home. Sorta like a photo album!
Just a little “touch base” with y’all!

I took pictures of the first one, but we noticed that their scales and skin are very delicate. Blake actually decided that we wouldn’t handle them anymore and would just grab the hooks with his Gerber pliers and release them that way. (I think I’m doing a good job with him.) We also crushed all the barbs to facilitate the de-hooking operation. They Macks ranged in size from about what you see in the picture to a couple that where twice the size.
The late afternoon was very windy with the wind coming from the north and the current flowing south. Bubby rigged his whitebait with two split shot of about a quarter ounce total. Again he decided the hook size and the weight to use. It was right on the money and put the bait on the Mack’s dinner plate.

Everyone needs to take the time to go fishing with their kids. Find out what’s biting, get what you need, and get out there with them!
Best Regards,
Albert A Rasch
Member: Shindand Tent Club
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS (Let 'em sue me.)
The Hunt Continues...